5 years, 7 months ago.

How to send a value by BLE using X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1?

Hello, I am starting to work on BLE and I have a STM32L476 with a X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1. I would like to send an int list to an android application but I have never worked on BLE and I can't find anything that could help me on the internet. Can someone give me some advices please?

Question relating to:

Bluetooth Low Energy (a.k.a Bluetooth LE, BTLE, Bluetooth Smart)

1 Answer

5 years, 6 months ago.

Hi Etienne,

The older X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 has been replaced by the X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1, so please visit the site for the board that you have (as you mentioned both):

Both contain a simple example program based upon a ST-provided library.

The Android application recommended by ST has been renamed to BLE Sensor (it was Blue MS):

If you have a problem with the examples, please raise a GitHub issue here:


Ralph, Team Mbed