6 years, 2 months ago.

How can I measure VDD on nRF52832?


First of all, a big thank you to all Mbed OS developers for making this excellent platform! It’s so convenient that I use it for all ARM-based microcontrollers I have (STM32, nRF52 so far).

Now my question. I know that on nRF5 microcontrollers one of the ADC mux inputs is wired to the VDD, so that it is possible to measure the battery voltage without adding any external circuitry. I know that it would require some specific reference voltage and prescaler configuration. Is it possible to use AnalogIn or some other high-level API for this task, or should I call nRF SDK methods directly? If anyone has a piece of example code, that would be perfect.

Thanks in advance, Arthur

Hi, did you end up figuring this out? Looking for similar example code myself

posted by Saaketh Chittajallu 14 Nov 2019
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