8 years ago.

Saving analog data in SD card


I have a mbed LPC1768 board and its connected to a analog sensor. What I want to do is read the sensor value and store it in a SD Card and I want to make a new file in the SD card every 5 minutes. How can I implement this, I know how to create a file but how do I create a new file in every 5 minutes? Reason behind creating a file in this order is to make sure the data doesn't get lost even if some files are corrupted. Is it also possible to write on the SD card and read from the sensor at the same time, so that I don't loose any incoming data from sensor while writing it to SD Card. Any info on this one for me? or any link where I can read about it.

I also have one additional question regarding the memory of this board how much can this processor buffer? It has 64KB SRAM and 512 KB flash memory. So can it buffer 64 KB or the 512 KB? I was thinking of adding multiple sensors, which means bigger data and it will go above 100 KB, if this is the case can this board still handle the data.

Thanks in advance.

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