4 years, 8 months ago.

your example: "Viewing memory regions" does not work

Hi Jan,

I have tried using your example here, of "Viewing Memory regions". I get stuff printed to the screen but it is just gobbledegook.

Using an LPC1768

Any ideas why this is happening?



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1 Answer

4 years, 8 months ago.

Hi Rory,

Unfortunately Jan is not anomore answer these questions. I try it with Nucleo-F429 and compile with Online compiler. It works as it should. I copy paste Viewing memory regions over main.cpp in mbed-os-blinky-example. I tested 9600 and 115200 baudrates.

Have you test replace function call print_memory_info(); just prinf("Something\r\n"); ? Douple check baudrate in your terminal if you get gobbledegook out from basic printf.

Regards, Pekka

thanks for your answer Pekka. I will try these tests. has Jan left the company then?

posted by Rory Hand 08 Oct 2019