5 years, 8 months ago.

Is it possible to display HTML page on a LCD display of a discovery board?

For a start my intention is to make a simple webpage with a couple of virtual buttons to control PWM signal. My board is STM32F429I-DISCOVERY with 320x240 color touchscreen LCD. First what I tried is to find any ready-to-use solution like "mbed web browser", as I thought that it is the right thing to display a web page. However - nothing useful found. Why am I stuck to web-page as a human-machine interface? I think that web-page is scalable so despite the fact that my project can be solved with a couple of drawn rectangles I'd like to try something beter and flexible.

Questions: 1) Is it ever possible to display a web-page on a such weak device as my board is? 2) How about Javascript? I think that it would be the only way to interface between the web-page and the hardware. Or there is another way? 3) What can you recomend to search or use for my case?

Thank you in advance!

1 Answer

5 years, 8 months ago.

Hi Roman,

I found this Arduino project that might be a good starting off point for you: https://hackaday.io/project/3116-pip-arduino-web-browser

Here's some resources regarding JavaScript with Mbed:

I would personally use some sort of graphics library to create the buttons you wish to interact with the on board's LCD panel. Then, if you wish to use JavaScript to handle calls to the internet, I would then follow the instructions in the "Mbed JS HTTP Example" above to accomplish the HTTP call tasks.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

- Jenny, team Mbed

If this solved your question, please make sure to click the "Thanks" link below!

Hi, Jenny! Thank you very much for your answer! 1) PIP browser: as I planned to use HTML to make interface look better and more flexible this is not what I need :( 2) Thank you for JS links. I'm reading them now 3) I'm now comming to the same conclusion: to use graphics libs for this purpose.

posted by Roman Matveev 01 Oct 2018

I would also not use JavaScript for this sort of project either, I would probably attach some sort of callback function to the buttons on the LCD, which then make HTTP GET or POST calls via a network interface. An example for HTTP calls is available here: https://os.mbed.com/teams/sandbox/code/http-example/

But if you are also just controlling the onboard PWM signal, I'm not sure why you need to connect to the internet at all unless you want to monitor the signal via a web server?

- Jenny, team Mbed

posted by Jenny Plunkett 01 Oct 2018