6 years, 1 month ago.

To link up Xilinx Vivado SDK to MLX90393 to Zyboboard

Dear Team,

I am working on a project in Xilinx to get the data from 14 MLX90393 chips. I have been hunting a driver or header file in actual C without third party headers for the same to work with Xilinx. All I could find is the .cpp and .h files with mbed or ElektorLabs or Arduino or ControlEverythingCommunity libraries Which I suppose can not work in Vivado SDK in Xilinx to work with Zyboboard Z7010.

I need help with this.

I have tested my PCB board of 14MLX90393 chips with MLX90393.cpp, MLX90393.h & read_MLX90393.ino in Arduino which linked a lot of libraries of Arduino. But I need to know How to convert it into actual C/C++ files to Vivado SDK launch

Can anyone any knowledge about it?

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