9 years, 4 months ago.

how do i download my program to LPC1114FN28 using board?

i have bought a mbed LPC1114FN28 with its board. i did update the firmware, but i have got a problem when i wanted download my program to it. the very first i did is only drag and drop my program to LPC1114FN28 (just like i did to mbed LPC1768) but it didn't work. i have read the another way to donwload the program fo LPC1114FN28 like - using FTDI - using SWD - using mbed LPC1768 those are the option that i have got in the forum. but i didn't read about how to download the program using the board yet (or maybe i still didn't find it yet). what should i do? thank you to take care of me



Question relating to:

The LPC1114FN28 is an ARM Cortex-M0 based, low-cost 32-bit MCU, designed for 8/16-bit microcontroller applications, offering performance, low power, simple instruction set and memory addressing together with reduced code size …

1 Answer

9 years, 4 months ago.

It is appearing as a disk drive on your computer when you plug the cable in? I have two and both work perfectly for me.

You can also check to see if you have too many old or unused USB drivers floating around. This is more of a problem with the serial port emulators (Jungo/FTDI etc) but could also be a problem here..

Using a serial bootloader will require a few extra steps. I haven't done it with an NXP but you will either need software to convert to a hex file or a bootloader that can take a bin file. Doug

Accepted Answer

thank you for your answer doug,

yes, it is appear as a disk drive, but strangely, if i had compiled a program in mbed compiler, downloaded, and tried to put it into the LPC1114FN28. but after i reset (i push the 'BL' button, as they say that the button has function as well as reset button) my program suddenly disappear. i have tried more than once, as the result still same. if it does not burden you, would like to share the step that you have done with LPC1114 with its board?

posted by Edwar Baihaqi 28 Jan 2015

I am assuming you have the switch science unit? If so this is what I believe is going on: The program should disappear from the PC drive after a few moments after which the reset button may be required to boot the downloaded program.

When the program is compiled and downloaded the drive that appears is the interface processor and not the LPC1114 which I don't believe has USB capabilities of it's own. This processor programs the LPC1114 through the serial port and then removes the file from the virtual drive. So the program disappearing from the virtual PC drive is normal. If the LPC1114 is being programmed directly then a USB-serial converter is used to connect the serial bootloader with the PC software.

I can check tomorrow but i believe the reset is needed after you have programmed the chip to get it to run. I would try a very simple blinky program to see if it is programming the chip correctly.

I took the stock blinky program and connected an LED to the LED1 pin (dp14), compiled and downloaded through the MBED interface. The led on the board will blink while programming afterwhich you need to click the button closest to the USB connector to get it to load. I would try this and see what you get. Note that you need to add your own LED.

posted by Doug Morgan 28 Jan 2015