9 years, 7 months ago.

STM32F072 USB device

Are there plans to add USBDevice to the STM32F072 and other Nucelo boards that support USB device? If so, any idea as to when?

Thanks, Tom

5 Answers

5 years, 8 months ago.

Hi, is anything change ? 2018 and it seems still impossible to support USB device with the NUCLEO-FO72RB board ?

4 years, 11 months ago.

Ping? USB support for F072 is a make or break thing for me, at least for using the mbed/pelion platform.

9 years, 7 months ago.


the 401RE is going to be added. I assume many nucleo have same usb peripheral so adding its support to usb device library might be just a matter of adding some macros. please look at github mbed SDK and you cna add plus test it on STM32F072.

here's the pull request for 401: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/pull/579


Seems like the porting from 401 to 072 will be lots of work. The 401 has a USB OTG, with completely different registers to the standard USB on the 072. Does anyone know if ST will add USB support for the 072?

posted by modtronix H 25 Nov 2014
5 years, 1 month ago.

Здравствуйте. С 2017 года компания ST фактически прекратила поддержку неопытных пользователей, и платформу mbed. Я потратил два месяца своей жизни чтобы попытаться реализовать в mbed свой проект. я потерял много времени и потерпел убытки. Этот же проект я соберу на Arduino за два дня. У меня только одни нехорошие слова в адрес компании ST. Я надеюсь в ближайшее время найти время и написать в русскоязычном сообществе, что данная продукция рассчитана только на опытных пользователей. Ублюдки, из за компании ST я на два месяца просрочил платеж по ипотеке и теперь у меня заберут мой дом.

Hello. Since 2017, ST has virtually ceased support for inexperienced users, and the mbed platform.  I spent two months of my life trying to implement my project in mbed. I lost a lot of time and suffered losses. The same project I will assemble on the Arduino in two days. I have only one bad words addressed to ST.  I hope in the near future to find time and write in the Russian-speaking community that this product is intended only for experienced users. Bastards, because of the company ST, I have delayed my mortgage payment for two months and now my house will be taken away from me.

Hi. Since 2017, ST has virtually stopped supporting inexperienced users and the mbed platform. I spent two months of my life trying to implement my project in mbed. I lost a lot of time and suffered losses. I will assemble the same project on Arduino in two days. I have only one bad word for the company ST. I hope in the near future to find time and write in the Russian-speaking community that this product is designed only for experienced users. Bastards, because of the St company, I'm two months behind on my mortgage, and now they're gonna take my house.

8 years, 11 months ago.

I too am interested in seeing USB Device support for the NUCLEO-F072RB board.

Hi, finally did you reach to do it ?

posted by Thomas Pynchon 06 Oct 2018